Epidote will help to stimulate and balance the energy flow in the body. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Healers often use Epidote to deal with congestion, inflammation and other blockages in the body. Stone size will vary between 0.25 – 1.0inÂ
Fancy Blood Jasper is known as the Stone of Tranquility. The soothing energy that comes from this stone will help calm your thoughts and tame your emotions. Good for increasing all the positive energy around you letting you relax and focus. An inspiring stone to work through current issues. It is also ideal for rejuvenating creativity….
Fire quartz (Hematoid Quartz) is a grounding combination of quartz and hematite that can balance the mind, body and spirit. Fire Quartz can act as a powerful mind cleanser that will calm your emotions and make room for more rational thought processes and decision making. Stone size will vary between 0.5 – 2.0inÂ
Flint is a durable rock characterized by its hardness and brittleness. Flint was quarried by American Indian tribes for over 12,000 years. Flint also contains the properties of Chalcedony and has been known to the ancient tribes as a stone of great protective energy. Flint can stimulate Will-Power, Self-Discipline, Honesty and Spiritual Truth. Stone size will vary…
Embrace the energy of fluorite, and flow right into those sweet dreams. Let fluorite guide you from a state of anxiety to one of tranquility by cleansing both your mind and environment. This is an absorbent crystal that will neutralize all of the negativity around it. Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity,…
Not all energy has to come in a Venti-sized cup; reenergize the crystal way with garnet, and you’ll have all of the vitality without the impending crash. By arousing the chi, or life force, within the physical body, garnet encourages you to go out and smell roses. Seize the day and all of your potential…
Golden Healer Quartz, also known as Hematoid Quartz, varies in colors including yellow, orange, and red. This variety of quartz is difficult to obtain because it all comes from one mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. With its high vibrations this golden quartz really is a master healer; enhancing joy, balancing yin and yang energies and aligning all…
Green Aventurine is here to keep your emotional body calm when trying things that may be uncomfortable at first. Aventurine graces the spirit with a sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary. Stone size will vary between 0.5…
Whether you’re planting an actual garden, or a garden of dream, Green Calcite will help you to create the energy of abundance so that your intentions can blossom into reality. Use this stone to grow a brighter future through enhanced communication, mental fortitude and spiritual balance. If you’ve been stuck in a comfortable rut, this…
A very grounding stone and wonderful stone for anyone that is under extreme mental or emotional stress, bringing a sense of peace to body and strength and harmony to the mind. Onyx is an excellent stone for releasing negative emotions such as sorrow and grief. Stone size will vary between 0.25 – 1.0inÂ
Carry Botswana Agate to encourage creative ability, in any project or goal your e trying to accomplish. Botswana Agate is know to stimulate the Crown Chakra by bringing energy into one s auric field. All types of Agates were used in ancient times as talismans to protect the wearer from storms, to quench thirst and to bring…
Hematite tells it like it is. If you’re spinning out of control, or spending all your time going over things in your mind on constant replay, hematite is going to give you a reality check. It brings you out of your mind and back down to earth. Hematite’s energy focuses on the body, and it…
Howlite is a calming stone great for becoming more self-aware and reducing negative thought patterns. People suffering from lack of sleep often use Howlite for its ability to aid in relaxation and rest. It teaches patience and encourages emotional expression. Stone size will vary between 0.5 – 2.0in
Indigo Gabbro is a quarried precious crystal stone from Madagascar. This stone awakens an understanding of your spiritual self and intuitive abilities. Indigo Gabbro can bring light to the darkness within us and allows us to act with intention and higher purpose. Stone size will vary between 0.25 – 1.0inÂ
Iolite is know to produce joy and laughter as well as provide deep insight and understanding to one’s inner self. This inner knowing provided by Iolite soothes the body, mental and balances the outer layer of one’s aura. Iolite helps identify the source of what impairs your relationships and emotional goals. Iolite is wonderful stone…
Reach the highest peaks of your spiritual potential with K2 as your compass. A perfect coupling of the stabilizing energy of granite and the spiritually ascending energy of azurite, K2 helps you to establish that same harmony within your body and mind. Found on the peak next to the famed K2 mountain, this stone comes…